Saturday, 22 January 2011

Sometimes I have so much respect for Dutch women!  They have this attitude that is just like, "get on with it, no complaining".  As is our usual habit here, I went this morning to the outdoor market and then to the supermarket.  In our new house, we have a little bigger of a fridge and more storage space, so we try to just shop once a week (North American style!).

Today, I noticed something which I remember really shocked me when I first arrived here.  At the grocery stores in Canada, generally the ladies at the check out will pack your groceries into bags for you.  Here, you are generally expected to bring your own bags (which I know is also becoming quite normal in Canada now), but I remember at the beginning being here feeling so rushed to make my payment and then pack my bags.   This was made all the more scary because I didn't really speak the language yet and really had to pay attention to what was going on.   Today, I was doing the shopping all alone....when we go together, we've got the tasks totally boyfriend packs everything up and I do the paying (I think this is great!).  It amazed me how quickly I watched the lady after me pack all her stuff in her cart (also all alone).  She was practically done before me.  Someday, maybe I'll get the hang of this too....right?  But this is what I mean about there being something in the culture here that says...just do your thing, get on with it...  Births without epidurals, at shopping on the bike, with two kids on it....and no help packing your it yourself and do it fast!